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Events Programme: Winter 2023/2024
Tuesday, 31st October Fergal Tracey Sauntering in Siberia Siberia spans an area of 13.1 million square kilometres, covering the vast majority of Russia's total territory, and almost 9% of Earth's land surface, so nearly as big as Canada. Siberia is well known for its harsh climate and wilderness expanses yet has many secrets to uncover and beauty to reveal
Tuesday, 28th November Thelma Worthington and Sally McClean Walking the Camino Portuguese The Camino Portugues was a major route for medieval pilgrims on their journey to the holy city of Santiago de Compostela, travelling up from various Portuguese cities, in particular Porto, on the coast. There are various routes, and variants, the most important of which are the inland Central Way and the Coastal Way, with these two routes converging in Redondela, Galicia before continuing to Santiago. The former covers approximately 280km while the latter covers about 230km. Our talk will cover both these routes and present sides on their high and low points.
Friday, 15th December Christmas Party
Tuesday, 30th January Peter Wilson 200 years of the Ordnance Survey in Ireland The Ordnance Survey was set up in Ireland in 1824 – Happy Birthday! As ramblers we all (or nearly all) use OS maps to plan and undertake our walks. But the maps we use today are very different from the first maps that were produced in the mid-19th century. Triangulation pillars on summits like Knocklayd and Trostan will be familiar features, but these are late additions to the range of survey locations that were established across the country. Some of the earliest survey work conducted by the OS was at Magilligan, and Slieve Snaght in Inishowen played a significant role in development of an early survey technique. On Snaght, the remains of the OS encampment are still to be seen, as is also the case on Slieve Donard. How the surveyors survived atrocious mountain weather and succeeded with their work is a story worth repeating – and that’s what I’ll be doing.
Tuesday, 27th February Kenny Moore Down Memory Lane This talk will be based on old photos from the early days (1980's), mainly photos of people, many of whom are no longer around, but also a few people who are still active.
Tuesday, 26th March TBC
Talks will be given on Tuesday evenings, starting at 8pm, and held in
Portstewart Guide Hall (12 Convention Ave, Portstewart, BT55 7EB).
There will be a small charge of £3 per person to cover costs (hire of venue and facilities, speaker’s travel cost and supper).
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